Thursday, June 3, 2021


 What a goober I are!!!

We had to put new tie-downs on the batteries for the trolling motor in the boat before we left problem...they went on just fine.
Well, when we got home, because there is a lot of vibration and motion that the boat goes through when it's on the big trailer, one of the batteries had broken it's little plastic anchor piece and had bounced all the way to the farthest limits of the battery cables! Yikes!!
So we decided to replace the cheap plastic anchors with some nice steel straps (raised up with some nylon washers so the strap can slide underneath them)...
I went to Ace and bought the steel straps and nylon washers (1 per strap, right?? Wait for it...)
I climbed into the boat this morning and found that the steel straps I had bought were too small...I was afraid of I drove the 16 miles back to Ace, got the right straps (this time I took an old piece for reason to do that in the first place, is there? Nah...) So it cost me 90 cents to exchange the little straps for the correct straps, and $6 for the gas to go exchange them...boy, am I a money-saver or what??? Luckily, I had some more errands to run.
So anyway, I got the bigger straps and they are perfect!!
I climbed back into the boat (mind you, it's about 9 feet from the ground to the gunnel, so it's a bit of a monkey climb...
But I digress...I climbed back into the boat, and put the first 2 straps on with the 4 washers I had bought...(do you remember that I said "wait for it"??)
The first 2 straps were perfect and I put the battery into its place and strapped it down...and then it hit takes 2 washers per strap, and there are 2 straps per battery...and there are 2 batteries!!
Remember I said "I are a goober??" You do the now I need 4 more nylon washers, and if I have to run back to town, it will cost another $6 in gas to buy $1 in washers....
I think I'll wait until I have more errands...
Oh yeah, and in the middle of it all we got a thunderstorm...just where I want to be when the lightning starts to an aluminum boat hanging 9 feet in the air under a bunch of nice tall pine trees!!

Fun With Insurance Claims...NOT!

Well, I can finally tell the whole story...well, almost the whole story...because it's not done quite yet. This is the saga of the tree ...